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Rediscover your vision through cutting-edge Oculoplastic Surgery in Gurgaon

Oculoplastic eye surgery, also known as ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, is a specialized medical field focused on the treatment of various eye-related conditions that affect the eyelids, tear ducts, eye sockets (orbits), and the surrounding facial structures.

Get Eye Comfort and Relief

Experience Improved Functionality

Long-Lasting Results

Improved Self-Confidence

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Medical Expert

Discover the Top Oculoplastic Specialist in Gurgaon


Oculoplasty and Facial Aesthetics

Dr Vikas Thukral

Specialisation: Oculoplastic surgeries like Ptosis, Blepharoplasty, DCR, Eyelid injuries

Experience: 22 years

Positions: Senior Consultant at Max Hospital, Gurgaon

Our Happy Clients

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​All About Oculoplastic Surgery and Its Procedure

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Oculoplasty, also known as ocular plastic surgery, is a specialized field dedicated to procedures performed on the eye and the adjacent tissues. It is employed to address a variety of concerns with the aim of improving functionality, comfort, and appearance. 

Oculoplastic surgery is an effective treatment option for various issues, such as:

  1. Tear Drainage Problems

  2. Misaligned Eyelids (Malposed Eyelids)

  3. Eyelid Skin Cancers

  4. Orbital Issues (related to the eye socket)

  5. Troublesome Eyebrows

Oculoplastic surgery is primarily recommended for medical conditions affecting the eyes and for enhancing the aesthetic aspects of the eyes and their surrounding areas.

Why Choose Krishna Netralaya for Oculoplastic?

Imagine a place where your journey to eye rejuvenation isn't just a medical procedure; it's an experience designed with your comfort and satisfaction as the top priorities. At Krishna Netralaya, we don't just provide medical care; we create a personalized journey just for you.


Our team of highly skilled Oculoplastic eye surgeons in Gurgaon isn't simply here to perform surgeries; they are your dedicated partners throughout this process. Working alongside our compassionate medical staff, they ensure you receive guidance and support at every step of your treatment.

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25K+ Patients


Experienced Surgeons

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Post Surgery Care

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World Class Operation Theatres

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Comfortable and Pleasing Environment


Personal Care Assistance

Take a Second Opinion

Before you get your Oculoplasty surgery done, consider a second opinion. Schedule your consultation today and make an informed choice for a clearer and brighter tomorrow.

Meet our Eye Specialists

The Best Eye Specialists in Gurgaon located near you on Golf Course Road and Sohna Road

For Further Enquiries

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Talk to Our Medical Expert

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